Friday, January 10, 2014

Number Our Days                                                          01-10-14

Psalm 90:12 (NASB) 12  So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.

Just a short message this week as I travel down to Georgia to attend Devin's funeral and be with my friends. As we all can attest to this week, life is short and uncertain. Number your days. This life is fleeting and can be gone in an instant.We need to keep that fact in front of our eyes every day. My charge today is seek the Lord while He may be found. Our hope, strength, healing and encouragement is in Him and Him alone.

Beleaguered. That's the word that is on my heart today. It means  "to surround or beset, as with troubles. I beseech you brothers and sisters to up hold in prayer, Pastor Doug, Wanda, Ryan, Amanda and Joshua. This family is beleaguered at the present and needs our prayer and support. Let's circle the wagons around them and shield them as best we can. I believe with all of my heart that God WILL see them through, but it's a tough road right now and they NEED all the support that we can muster. In parting, it is a tragedy and heart rending for us down here BUT it is a HOMECOMING for Devin! I'm sure he is showing Jesus the finer points of video gaming right this instant.(smile) 

    Psalm 90:10 (NASB) 10  As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, Or if due to strength, eighty years, Yet their pride is but labor and sorrow; For soon it is gone and we fly away.

God Bless

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