Friday, January 17, 2014

A Sustaining Word                                                          1-17-2014

Isaiah 50:4 (NASB) 4  The Lord GOD has given Me the tongue of disciples, That I may know how to sustain the weary one with a word. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple.

I've had the word burden on my heart for the last couple of days. I saw a post on Facebook the other day by a friend of mine. This person was grieved by a burden of self guilt and self condemnation and stated that they were tired of dealing with it. Many times this thing called life simply wears us out. It just rolls in on us wave after wave after wave. Amen? I started thinking about all the voices out there that attempt to assist us in navigating the challenges we all face. We have voices that encourage us to holiness and right living. They are quick to direct us on how to live, and how to conduct ourselves before the eyes of the world. We have voices on how to live the victorious life. Many great teachings on the virtues of praise and worship, the power of walking in faith and so on. But, what do you say to the person whom for one reason or another is despairing of life? The person who is forlorn and whose spirit has been numbed by grief and despondency. Many times the plain answer is NOTHING. At times any word is inappropriate and most times unappreciated. However.

I was, today, reading my prayer that I wrote last New Year's. My prayer for 2013 and I was reminded of the above verse and the Holy Spirit spoke to me about the voices mentioned above. You see that is what that word 'tongue' is. It's a voice. It's a word for a weary soul.  This whole chapter is talking about Jesus and the discipline He underwent as the Servant of the Lord. It speaks to His sufferings and has encouragements for believers, and warnings for unbelievers. You see verse 4 is speaking not only about Jesus but disciples(plural) as well. It is talking about what I believe to be a gift. A gift of knowing what to say, and when to say it. I'm not talking about quoting some scripture or just "being there." No, I believe this is talking about something more profound. A word that goes deep into the spirit and produces comfort and healing. You see this is a word that will sustain someone. It's more than just helping someone. It means to carry through. To get you to the other side when you don't have the strength. It was this "word" that strengthened the Lord to endure His sufferings. It, in reality, trained Jesus to endure. That's what verse 5 is talking about.  Read about it in this chapter. But the key to securing this kind of insight is awakening"morning by morning." Look at that again.

"He awakens Me morning by morning,He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple."

God help me.I just had to wait 45 minutes on an automatic download. I DEFINITELY need a sustaining word at this time!(smile) Now, where was I.

He awoke morning after morning and disciplined himself to LISTEN for and to the voice of the Lord God. I'm not trying to be mystical here, no,no. All I am trying to say is that if I will yield to God "morning by morning" and let HIM guide me and speak through me, then, maybe, I will be able to minister real healing to a hurting soul. Or better yet when it is ME who has been sifted like wheat then someone else can sustain me through my trial. A word in season is priceless. Just sayin' It's a thought.

Psalm 29:4 (NASB) 4  The voice of the LORD is powerful, The voice of the LORD is majestic.

God Bless  

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