Friday, November 16, 2012

The Effectual Prayer

This is my last post before Thanksgiving so HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Hope ya'll have a good one because I assure you, God willing, I am going to! I've been on a low..well lower carbohydrate diet for cholesterol but come next Thursday carbohydrates beware.. I have you in my sights! Cornbread dressing and pie here I come!! At any rate, for some reason this past week I pulled out my prayer for 2012 which I wrote out last New Year's Eve and was surprised no, I was taken aback at how many of my prayers God had answered for me this past year. It actually caused me to pause and reflect to just say "thank you Lord." This week I was reading in James and came across this verse.

16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.

James 5:16 (NASB)

I paid close attention to the hind end of that verse because I actually had been encouraged by reading my prayer of 2012 and wanted to dig a little bit on what that verse was saying. Just what is an effective prayer? I'm not a big subscriber to the books or schools of thought that give "how to's". You know.. "seven steps to this or that". Not saying that there isn't some helpful advice in those how to's.They just haven't been helpful to me. But, here's what I gleaned this week. Look at that word "effective".

Greek NASB Number: 1754

Greek Word: ἐνεργέω

Transliterated Word: energeô
Root: from 1756;

Definition: to be at work, to work, to do:--

List of English Words and Number of Times Used
accomplish (1),
brought about (1),
effective (2),
effectually worked (2), (1),
work (6),
working (2),
works (7).

—NASB Greek-Hebrew Dictionary

You know what really jumped out at me here?

To be at work, to work. Effective prayer is the 'W' word. It's work. That is truth to this writer. I don't know about you but there are times,.. if the truth were known, MANY times that I simply do not WANT to pray. I would rather do anything than pray. I don't know how to say it any plainer. Not very spiritual here I'm afraid, but, I just do not want to pray sometimes. IT'S TOO HARD!

Maybe that's not you but, I'm sorry that IS me. If that struck a chord inside of you then give me a shout out!! Amen. It takes discipline sometimes. You have to MAKE yourself pray. It reminds me of the old Ringo tune(that's Ringo Starr for all you pups out there) you remember?

"If you wanna sing the blues, then you got to pay the dues, and you know it don't come easy." (smile)

The flesh just doesn't want to humble itself and pray. Or at least my flesh. I found something else out about that word effective. That word also means "an inworking" meaning that prayer works on your insides. Let me try and explain.The Bible says this about prayer.

6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Phil 4:6 (NASB)

In today's vernacular" let her rip" Take everything to the Lord in prayer. Nothing is too small or insignifigant in His eyes.But, here's what happens in that prayer time. As we begin to talk it over with the Lord, He starts speaking to our hearts about our requests; what is good and acceptable and what might have the wrong motivation behind it. You getting my drift? That's the other meaning or sense behind that word effective. The more we talk to Him, the more He conforms us to His mind and His desire for us.

Beyond that and probably more important is that God wants us to be real with Him" Lord, I pray for world peace". O.K. I understand that, but, I need some peace in MY heart before I take on the world. Amen? We tend to offer lofty prayers to God with high ideals, while ignoring the anger we have with our next door neighbor.Listen, I'm preaching to myself here. Listen, if you stubbed your toe on the door and yelled out something you might not should have HE knows all about it. Bottom line. If you got a headache tell God that you got a headache. I am certainly no authority on effective prayer and don't make any pretense to be one. I just know that God graciously and sovereignly answered my prayers and I was encouraged. So I decided to find out a little bit more about it. I hope it blessed you.Have a great Thanksgiving. God really is a good God.

1 I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders.

Psalms 9:1 (NASB)

God Bless

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