Difficulties 12-12-16
2 Corinthians 2:11 (ESV) 11 so that we
would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his
I went to church yesterday to watch the
children's Christmas Presentation.While sitting in the pew I checked my watch
and noticed that the published start time had come and gone.A couple minutes
later I checked again,then sat back and chilled,knowing the program would
start soon enough. Just then the Pastor, who also was the director of the
program, ascended the platform and informed the waiting crowd that due to
technical difficulties the program's start would experience a short delay.When I
heard those words "technical difficulties" my ears perked up and my mind
strolled back to another day.And herein lieth the lesson.
I have heard my friend Pastor Doug mouth
those very same words on any number of occasions during the many productions and
music programs he has headed up. It seems as if technical difficulties
often rise up when we are attempting to do something for the glory of God
doesn't it? While sitting there musing on those words,another phrase I had heard
many times before also surfaced."What did you expect?" Let me try and
explain.Take a hypothetical.
O.K. you've been working on this play.
You garnered a list of characters. You secured commitments from the children and
the parents. Then you started pulling all the necessary folks needed for behind
the scenes. You began to coordinate practice times with the stage hands,helpers
and of course tech support folk.Then you decided that instead of purchasing a
production,you will write the script in house.That in itself requiring many
hours of blood,sweat and tears to accomplish.Then a day or two after
Thanksgiving rehearsals begin. Over the next two or three weeks you try to get
everyone there on time(a miracle of God if you pull it off) You try to be very
sensitive to the people who are volunteering,knowing that this is also a
VERY BUSY AND TIRING time of year for them.You usually end up with rehearsals
that are partial because of various obstacles. Kids get sick. Parents get caught
at work. etc.,etc..,
Probably after a particularly trying
day,you have an evening rehearsal where no one has yet learned their part.The
prop guy couldn't make it. The lead character is out sick. And to top it off,the
play,in front of the whole church and the many visitors that will come out is
only DAYS away. After everyone leaves and you sit there exhausted from your
efforts,you look up to heaven and wonder if you can pull it off.
And the voice enters your spirit."What
did you expect?"
The more effort you expend, it seems the
more adversity you encounter.It seems everything that can go wrong does.And
still the day of the performance looms ever closer. You seriously begin to
wander if it is going to happen. The enemy will put all sorts of disaster
scenarios in your mind. You can see characters wondering around the stage
CLUELESS as to what they are to do next. Lines forgotten,songs absolutely
butchered,props falling down, you gettin' my drift? BUT,THE SHOW MUST GO ON. You
look to heaven once again and there it is once more:
"What did you expect?"
You see the devil has designs on your
efforts to preach the Gospel. Look at this.
Matthew 13:24-29 (ESV) 24 He put another parable before
them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a
man who sowed good seed in his field,
but while his men were sleeping, his enemy
came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away.
26 So when the plants came up
and bore grain, then the weeds appeared also.
27 And the servants of the
master of the house came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in
your field? How then does it have weeds?’
He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’
So the servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’
29 But he
said, ‘No, lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with
You see, the enemy will sow weeds in your
good seed. It may come in the form of people who are negative and critical. It
may be opposition in the form of sickness, lack of commitment,unforeseen
circumstances....whatever. Here you are trying to put this huge production
together with all of the accompanying problems and all you're hearing
"What did you expect?"
If you are not careful it can become
overwhelming and discouraging.
So, you weather all the storms associated
with producing and directing this thing and the BIG DAY finally arrives.
Unbelievably,the dress rehearsal on the eve of the play went surprisingly well.
For the most part people knew their lines,costumes were ready, props in
place...for the first time in weeks there was a small light at the end of the
tunnel. Your confidence is bolstered and the crowd the next day begins to file
in. "A good crowd," you think to yourself.You take one final look around and
pronounce quietly to yourself,"we're ready." As you prepare to raise the
curtain,all of a sudden you see someone out of the corner of your eye rushing
towards you. "What? WHAT!? We're having TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES.
Fighting back the tears,in absolute panic
mode you look heavenward and yeah there it is.
"What did you expect?.
So you wearily make the announcement
that there will be a short delay. You walk off the stage and wait. At the
complete mercy of the "tech geeks." But, you know something and here is the good
part. Eventually,the technical difficulties are resolved and the show goes on.
You sit there in amazement as the cast and crew pull off an amazing program. I
mean they NAIL IT! You're sitting back in utter amazement and you realize that
it was God.IT WAS GOD! Only God could have pulled it off. And so He
2 Corinthians 2:14 (ESV) 14 But thanks be
to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us
spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.
It is then that you realize that God had
it all the time. He had your back and all you can do is say "Thank
Maybe I have exaggerated in my story
telling......maybe not. But, one thing I will tell you is that the devil will
not leave you alone in your efforts to do something for the Lord. Don't give
up,God's not worried,He's got it and there is a reward.
As I watched yesterday in real time,the
production came off without a hitch as far as I can tell. But,it was what
happened at the end. From afar I watched a nine year old child on her own,
without prompt, walk down to the altar and kneel to ask God about something that
was happening in her life. She asked for one of the pastors to come and pray for
her. As I looked around there were other folks who had been touched by the Holy
Ghost kneeling and praying to God. I looked back at the child and then closed my
eyes and looked heavenward. I thanked God for touching that child that is so
dear to me. I saw the fruit of all the folks who labored behind the scenes
unbeknownst to me or most of the other folks that were there. Because of their
efforts, the Lord had moved.Afterward I heard a voice in my heart say"What did
you expect?."
Brothers and sisters,your labor for the
Lord is not forgotten.
Psalm 118:14 (ESV) 14 The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.
Have a very Merry Christmas.
God Bless
What a great post! So timely! Your story was not exaggerated in the least!