Friday, November 13, 2015

My God Is Able

My God Is Able                                          11-13-15

Malachi 3:11 (ESV) 11  I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil, and your vine in the field shall not fail to bear, says the LORD of hosts.
God is not limited in the way or ways that He chooses to bless His children.

Memaw,(my mother) who is socializing in the corridors of heaven today, never tired of recounting how God moved the Social Security Administration on her behalf years ago. His blessing resulted in a significant financial blessing for her.
She was always quick to point out to the listener that God honored and helped her due to her honoring God with her tithe. I certainly will not argue the point. Fast forward to this week.

Let me share an episode out of my life this week. Oddly enough, the "deal" was finalized just yesterday, which as you shall see, struck me as timely with all that is going on at the college campuses this week. Let's to begin..? At the beginning I suppose.

A couple of months ago I received a letter from a debt collector. Hopefully, you don't know what I am talking about, but, if you do, then this is for you. This letter informed me that they were trying to collect on a government debt that I owed. Now, let me state this right now. They were RIGHT!! It was a LEGITIMATE obligation that I has entered into many years(some 20-25 years) past. However, I had literally forgotten about this debt as it had been over 12 years since I had last heard from them..... 12 YEARS!

It irritated me and I ignored it. However, on the third or fourth notice I responded to it.(still irritated) They informed me that they were going to collect this debt and threatened legal action. Now, for a reason I will tell you in a moment I was steaming.As I conjured up all the various scenarios on the horizon, none of them were good. I was trying to figure out how much I would have to pay, this and that you know how it goes. I tried to come up with ways to free myself from this dilemma. You know how it goes. On and on. You know how it goes.

So, after MUCH wrangling in my spirit, I came upon a novel idea. What was that Ronnie? I decided to take it to the Lord God. I decided to PRAY about it. I still remember the ride up the road on my route talking to the Lord, just as I am talking to you right now. Here's what I told Him.

The reason I was so distraught(a "nice" word for what I really felt) was what I had seen going on in this country for years now.I didn't pull any punches with Him. I told Him that indeed mine was a LEGITIMATE DEBT. But, I also told Him that I had seen multi billion dollar corporations being bailed out by my tax dollars on their LEGITIMATE DEBT. I spoke to Him of seeing countless incidents of folks asking for and receiving forgiveness for their LEGITIMATE DEBT.  

And then,after pouring out my heart to Him I made a simple request. I asked God to move on the powers that be to forgive my indebtedness. Right or wrong, that is what I asked God to do. Hold on there's a little more. I then said that since it was a legitimate debt that if He saw fit to have me repay it so be it. If that was to be the case, all I asked was that the terms be something that I could reasonably afford and live with. I placed it in His hands and let the chips fall where they may. Now, here is where it gets good.

Soon after that night, I spoke with the debt collector and inquired as to how we could reach agreement. I listened as he told me the information I needed to provide etc., etc. I determined not to negotiate, nor would I cast myself in a bad economic plight. I was not going to put my hand, not even my little finger to the process. I would comply with whatever the collector wanted and that was that. Well, after a couple more phone calls where I supplied all the needed information, the day of reckoning finally came. I was truly expecting a demand for a few hundred dollars a month to satisfy my LEGITIMATE DEBT.

"Mr. Jenkins, after reviewing all the pertinent information, we have decided that $29.00 dollars a month is what we require, is that acceptable to you sir?"......................................!!!!!!!!!!"Uh, much was that again?"

"Sir it was $29.00 is that all right with you sir?" EUREKA!!! PRAISE THE ALMIGHTY GOD!!! I said as I was turning cartwheels in my living room floor. "Yes sir, that will be fine" 

God had moved mightily for my benefit. BUT, As Lee Corso on College Gameday says,"Not so fast my friend" ............God wasn't through.  Huh? What's that you say Ronnie? GOD WASN'T THROUGH.

As I talked with the representative, a very polite and courteous man, he informed me that after a final review was done, the paperwork for me to sign would be sent by e-mail within a few days. Here's where it gets really good. The same day I received the email I had a phone call from the debt collector. He informed me that after a FINAL review, it had been determined that a further reduction in my monthly payment was warranted. He then notified me that my monthly payment had been lowered to ..............wait for it......................$5.00 a month. Excuse me!!!???!!! How much? $5.00. As I sat there,flabbergasted, I literally said to myself "what is the point?" It will cost more to collect than the monthly payment. Oh well, THANK YOU JESUS!!

Brothers and sisters, I know this is lengthy, but bear with me. My point is this. I do not portray God as being some sort of heavenly ATM machine doling out money whenever we get into a tight. No,no. BUT, I will say this.


God didn't send me a check in the mail. He didn't allow me to win the lottery. He did not release me from my LEGITIMATE DEBT. No,no. He came to my aid when I didn't deserve it. He shed His grace in my life. All the parties are satisfied. No protest. No commotion. No demands. JUST GOD BEING GOD. I didn't deserve it but He did it anyway. You can't outgive God. All I can do is bow my head and say thank you.

 Psalm 23:5-6 (ESV) 5  You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

God Bless



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