Saturday, April 27, 2013


1 Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.
Prov 27:1 (KJV)

Hello again from sunny and not as cold as last week Iowa. My boss called me on Wednesday and asked if I could go back to Iowa this weekend so here I am. We left early Friday morning and arrived here late last night. But, it was during the drive up here that this message took it's form. Let me explain. We were somewhere on the Iowa side of St. Louis and I had just begun to drive. We stopped for gas and just as we had gotten back up to speed on the highway my buddy got a call on his cellphone. Now, people had been calling him all day about this and that, so I didn't pay it much attention. So, I continued on. But, I couldn't help overhearing the conversation. My friend was asking questions about good cholesterol and bad cholesterol; how do you lower it and all sorts of stuff. Well, it didn't take a rocket scientist to ascertain that this was a conversation with a doctor. Now, I have high cholesterol and take a med for it's control, so,I didn't think too much about it and rolled on down the highway. But, then something happened and herein lies the message. All of a sudden he let out a big??!&$# and started banging his phone against his leg. I asked him what was the matter and he didn't reply while furiously redialing a number. After a number of futile attempts he threw his phone down in disgust and explained to me that he had"dropped out." Well, anybody living in America knows what that means. He had lost his connection. In this rural part of the country, phone service is spotty at best unless you are talking local. After allowing him a couple of minutes to vent I asked him what that was all about. He told me that he had gotten some bad cholesterol numbers and whatnot and we spent a few minutes talking about my limited knowledge of how to lower cholesterol.Then he dropped the bomb. He told me that he would be worrying all weekend because at just the time the doctor was about to give him the results of another test that they had done, his phone dropped out. I asked what the test was for and listened in shock as he told me it was a test for prostate cancer. I did a double take and said "what?!" He then informed me that there was a better than 50% chance that he had prostate cancer and now he would have to wait all weekend to hear the results of this report. Well, I was dumbfounded and really couldn't say anything. I then tried to put myself in his shoes but couldn't relate. This is a 34 year old man who just got a good promotion at his job. He has a wife and two children and they just bought a new home with "acreage" as he likes to put it. But, here the story takes another twist. He has NO health insurance. None, nada. While he is paid well for his services, the company does not offer health insurance or life insurance. You know the" benefits package" that people of my generation took for granted. That is a vanishing animal in this economy. Well, we drove on the reat of the night and I didn't bring the subject up again and neither did he; but, it was in the back of my mind until I laid my exhausted head on the pillow last night. When, I woke up this morning this verse was on my mind Proverbs 27:1. Here it is again.

1 Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.
Prov 27:1 (KJV)

If ever there was a relevant verse for my boss/friend indeed ALL of us it is this one. I tried to think what was going through this young man's mind last night as he bravely tried to brush it aside. There wasn't any great word of wisdom coming forth. Only that this man and his family need God. Then I thought about how frail we really are. We live on the edge of a razor blade all our days on earth don't we? A simple dropped phone call and your life is changed.
A bad report, an accident, the list goes on and on and all of a sudden you're freefallin'. That was the song that my friend had on the car radio when he was talking on the phone. FREEFALLING. It can be out of control in a heartbeat.Amen?

Brothers and sisters if ever there was a time that we need Jesus, it is NOW. It is TODAY. It doesn't take a news headline about some nut going crazy to change your life. North Korea or Iran or whoever the ---- else doesn't have to fire a nuclear missile to send you and me into freefall. All it takes is a report, a dropped phone call. AMEN?! If you don't know Jesus ask Him to come into your life. If He's been off the radar screen for a while focus back in on Him. Believe me, HE is the ONLY answer to the insanity of this world. He is there day in and day out. ALL THE TIME.

8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Heb 13:8 (KJV)

He's got all the answers. He's the ONLY one that DOES have the answers. It matters not how much money, jobs,power,fame,prestige you or I have. There is nothing wrong with those things kept in perspective. BUT, if you, I or anyone else is without Jesus, we are in freefall.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.
Psalms 20:7 (KJV)

God Bless

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