Malachi 3:6 (ESV) 6 “For I the LORD do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.
Just some personal musings from the heart this week.
Muse- To Ponder,consider,study,contemplate.
Look at that verse. That word "therefore" is relevant to the truth God is speaking. It means "for this reason,or"because of." Insert for this reason in the verse. I do not change; for this reason ......are not consumed. The strong implication here is that the children of Jacob and by rote all humans DO change. And it's only because of God's steadfastness and mercy that we are not consumed. And herein lieth the lesson.
I was speaking with an attorney who happens to ride my bus on a daily basis. We talk about stuff on his ride from office to courthouse. In the middle of a question I had asked,he answered me with another question(what attorneys do best) His reply was"What changed?" The circumstances are not important here but my reply was"nothing." He looked at me and said "there's your answer."
You see that's what happens isn't it? How so Ronnie? That's what the devil tries to do. He's done it before and is very adroit at it. Whaddya talking about Ronnie. Look at this.
Genesis 3:4-5 (ESV) 4 But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die.
5 For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
He changed the truth of God into a lie. He spoke HALF TRUTHS and distorted what God had told Adam and Eve. O.K. Ronnie what's your point. Well,the same thing is happening right here and right now in our world. Where we live. We are and have been changing in an attempt to stay politically correct or culturally relevant. How many times do you hear those two phrases over the airwaves,through the print media and in the pulpits? You feelin' me here? You see folks it isn't God or His Word that has changed. No,no. Well, Ronnie what is it? IT'S US! We're the ones who have changed. Now don't misconstrue. All change is not bad,not by any means. But, I challenge you to take a look back at the world in which we live and tell me that change has not taken place. But NOT in God's World. His nature,His Truth,His Word has not changed.
You see we as Christians have different likes and dislikes. We have different views and perspectives. We come from different circumstances and different cultures.We interpret His Word in different ways.The truth of God and His Word may have a different application in our lives,but His Truth never changes. Let me try and give you an example of what I am trying to say.
Jesus told the Samaritan woman that the true worshipers would worship in spirit and truth.
John 4:23 (ESV) 23 But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.
Well,there are people that worship God quietly with reverence,then there are folks who worship exuberantly with a loud voice.(smile) It doesn't so much matter how we will worship,but it's the fact that we worship at all. You see we have preconceived ideas about HOW we should approach God in worship. The enemy will be sure to cause a division about what is the RIGHT way to approach God,and if we allow it,we will be so caught up in proving that our way is right that we end up arguing instead of worshiping! Amen?
Some folk will tell you that God requires ten percent of your income. Others will say you must give cheerfully and generously.We can debate that from now until Jesus comes. All the while the important point is that you BECOME A GIVER! If you are sincerely looking at how much,ask God. He has any number of ways to answer that question. Just as in the old days,God is still pleased with sacrifice. The only difference is the content of the sacrifice. Now it is a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. It is the sacrifice of selflessness as best as we can offer it.The list goes on and on and on.
God doesn't NEED us to DO anything! He can make the rocks and stones cry out if He so desires. He owns ALL THE GOLD AND SILVER and the cattle on a thousand hills.
He's going over all the earth looking for someone whose heart is blameless before Him. Blameless? Yes. As my friend said the other day,not sin free, but SINCERE.
Someone who will seek God because they want to.Not from duty or compulsion,but FREELY. They simply want to be around God no matter what. If we want to be Godly then we have to be around God don't you think? Just He and us.
How do we know what is the right way.Well,in my experience,about 99.99% of the time it is plainly spelled out in the Word of God. If you really want to hear the pure truth,get by yourself with a Bible.Begin to read it and allow the Holy Spirit to speak truth to your heart and mind. Let him illuminate you as to how His UNCHANGING truth applies to your life. TALK TO HIM.That voice in your heart will ALWAYS confirm what is written on those pages. If we,you and I will make that a discipline in our lives; if we will discipline ourselves and it takes discipline,to still ourselves......TO BE STILL BEFORE THE LORD, then He will train us to discern what His truth is for our lives. And when the enemy with his half truths comes calling,and SURELY he will,we will be better able to resist the temptation to change what God has spoken to us. Remember,what He speaks to us in the dark will stand in the light of day.
Psalm 42:1-2 (ESV) 1
2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?
God Bless
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