Friday, July 24, 2015

Disclaimers                                                    07-24-15

John 13:13 (ESV) 13  You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am.

We've all done it haven't we?

Disclaimer- According to Dictionary.Com a disclaimer is a statement, document, or assertion that disclaims responsibility... a disavowal; a denial.  

Ever said or done something that after the fact you attempted to deny or to change your stance on what you said or did. I pray to the Almighty God above that Apple has not asked me to sell my soul in their "terms and conditions" because I have NEVER read the lengthy disclaimer that accompanies the purchasing of an app on the I Phone. I just blindly check the "I accept" block and lumber on. lol. Can I get a witness?

Some reaction this week from some stuff I saw on the tele.

A politico this week past was giving a speech and made this statement. " All lives matter.."  Simple enough and an absolute truth,...right?That statement caused an unexpected negative reaction in the diverse crowd,because they were looking for a more narrow definition of which lives matter.

Now to be sure that simple statement is an absolute truth, for ALL lives REALLY DO MATTER! Amen?! But, sure enough, the next day this same politico, in a televised interview, was apologizing for being so all inclusive in his definition of which lives matter. He did not want to offend those whose sensitivities were scalded by his inclusion of "all" lives. He was posturing for the voting public. He was disavowing his stance for possible votes come election time. He issued a public DISCLAIMER. What a crock!! Please excuse my rant. (My own disclaimer. smile)

As I have mentioned before, I sat out a couple months ago to read some histories of the United States. Well, I came across this statement in the introduction of one of these books. The author said that he was NOT a historian. It was an attempt to disclaim any responsibility if he were found wrong in his view of history. While the book was good reading(if you like history, right Shelley?) he had issued a DISCLAIMER negating his responsibility. Why write a history book if you are not a historian?  

This disavowing or negation of responsibility for statements and actions is pervasive in our culture, especially in the political arena don't you think? Say anything to please the voter who is standing directly in front of you. If it doesn't go as expected, issue a statement disclaiming what you said ;and, then issue another statement explaining what you really meant. Sound or look familiar?

This disavowal of responsibility has crept ,slowly it seems, even into our spiritual structure, as more and more churches attempt to stay "relevant" in our ever changing cultural landscape.

Jesus didn't roll that way did He? Look at that verse again.

John 13:13 (ESV)
13  You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am.

" You know what guys? You are saying I am your teacher and Lord. And you are absolutely right. FOR SO I AM. " My quotations added.

Not too much backing up in that statement. "Crawdading" as my departed friend Charles used to say. Jesus issued no disclaimers and offered no alternative meanings to anything He ever said. Brothers and sisters there is a political strategy in our world today. It advocates saying anything that will tickle the ear of the listeners whether or not you actually BELIEVE in what you are saying. You can always issue a disclaimer at some point down the line if needed. That is not some conspiracy theorist statement. There have been books written on that subject and some of our most prominent politicians adhere to that theory. That is a fact.

Listen folks, in my personal search for "relevance," as hard as I might look elsewhere, I am continually drawn back to the same source. God Almighty, His Son and His Holy Spirit. A simple, yet profound statement of absolute truth.

Proverbs 23:23 (ESV) 23  Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding.

 Yes, you can buy truth. Why, you can even buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding. No, you don't have to send it in a donation envelope to some movement or cause. Nope. It can't be bought with money.  There's only one currency that is acceptable. As I have said before, you, we ,must spend time alone with The Lord God. We must yield ourselves to Him and seek Him out. No other way. We can choose to listen to the politicos, the media, the authors for our daily dose of truth. Or we can spend a little time with The Lord Jesus. Choice is ours isn't it. Our money is no good with Him.

Psalm 81:13 (ESV) 13  Oh, that my people would listen to me, that Israel would walk in my ways!

God Bless   


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