Friday, April 17, 2015

Perspective                                                                                    04-17-15

Hebrews 13:8 (NASB) 8  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Have you heard? What Ronnie? There's a famine in the land. Yes, that's right, a famine. Wait just a sec... more on that a little later in the program. I recently finished a book about the history of these United States.  (as my wife Shelley grimaces in pain at the mention of history) lol. Where was I, oh yes the book. A book about our country, written by someone whom, we here in Dixie, would likely label a Communist. Suffice it to say he is NOT of the Conservative bent.  An eye opening account, historically accurate( I did scores of research inquiring into this author's factual accuracy) that radically differs from what I was taught in school. While being historically accurate, his conclusions spring from his perspective of history. I am now reading another history book, that is also factually accurate, that I am certain will arrive at different conclusions than those of the aforementioned author.

Why? Because of their differing perspectives. They write from incompatible points of view. Their perspectives of our world collide with each other. Along those same lines, I talked with my buddy this week past concerning a Christian book that we had both read many (30+) years ago. A simply written, yet profound story of submission and trust in God. "A Tale of Three Kings" is well worth the price if you are interested. At any rate, we spoke about this book's relevance to our lives today AND how our PERSPECTIVE of it's truths had changed for us over the past 30 years.

Listening to the bunkum and humbug of today's political leaders, it is difficult, if not nigh impossible to get to the truth. Everybody has the answer. Nobody has the answer. It's all a matter of perspective. That might also be said about the social, religious and church environs in our present world. As Marvin Gaye sang many years ago, "Make me wanna holler, throw up both my hands.."
Remember that one?  Anyway, with all the buzz surrounding us, all the competing points of view, where do we turn?... How should we then live? Where or from whom can I find THE TRUTH!!?? Hear me out.

We live in a world that covets our attention. It has a never ending appetite for our time. Job, technology, the list goes on and on. Diversion is the catch word of our society. Problem is, this is not mere coincidence. It is orchestrated with one purpose in mind. To keep us, you and me, from spending time with God.  Guess what? It seems to be working.  Let me say something here.There's a famine in the land.

 I scanned an article recently that stated the American Church a.k.a. the American Christian was in most cases Biblically illiterate. People can't apply God's principles to their lives because they don't know what God's Word says. It likened this lack of knowledge to a famine. We as Christians in this country are literally starving ourselves spiritually to death. The article went on to say that 43% of those  Christians polled could not name the first five(5) Books of the Bible. Very interesting. It is on the internet if you want to check it out.

Hosea 4:6 (NASB) 6  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

Brothers and sisters here is my point today. Every single one of us have issues in our lives. We have problems, struggles, and attacks from every imaginable angle. And there are some things in each of our lives that only God can deal with. You can't get the answer from reading this blog. You can't get the answer from your Pastor, be it an unknown Man of God or Billy Graham. All they can give you is advice based on their PERSPECTIVE. Their are issues that only GOD has the answer for. But, to get that answer, we must first get alone with God. We must read His Word. We must let Him speak to our hearts through His Word and through talking to Him. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO GAIN GOD'S PERSPECTIVE ON THOSE PROBLEMS THAT BESET AND HARASS US!!

Look at Hebrews again.

Hebrews 13:7-8 (NASB) 7  Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith.
8  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

You see, the preceding verse talks about following and imitating those who led you to the Lord. Those men and women who took you and I under their spiritual wings and fed and nurtured us when we were babes in Christ. We are to follow their examples and imitate them. BUT, then comes vs.8. Even with all those Godly examples placed in our lives, their advice and leading is tempered with their own perspective of things. It is well intentioned and probably is seasoned with truth. But, in the final analysis it is still HUMAN wisdom. It is rife with HUMAN perspective. We all have problems and needs that go far beyond the solutions that kind of wisdom provides, as good and sincere as it is.  We need God's point of view. If we are in need of pure, unadulterated truth, our only safe haven is in the Lord Jesus Christ. He, and He alone can satisfy the needs of our soul. These days are getting darker and darker. The day is coming when my "perspective" isn't going to be able to help you. Ditto for me. You hearin' me here? Get alone with God.

  Psalm 119:11 (NASB) 11  Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You.

God Bless    



1 comment:

  1. Well you sure"stepped on my toes", Ronnie! I am guilty add many others I am sure. I Need to do better!
