Friday, May 9, 2014

Don't Stop Believing                                                                      05-09-14

Luke 18:8 (NASB) 8  "I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"

Praise God for the lawnmower man waking me up early for the umpteenth(southern word) time! It's better than not waking up! Amen ? (smile) Looking at the above verse, Jesus is finishing up a parable encouraging persistence in prayer. As I thought about this past week a couple things stand out about that verse. First is that word quickly. Speedily, I believe in the KJV. Past that, the word' however' kind of gets in my face. If God is going to avenge His elect speedily then why are people going to lose faith? That's what Jesus said. However, or put another way, in spite of, God answering prayer quickly is Jesus going to find anyone who has any faith when He returns? Now, two explanations come to mind. Either people are going to become so devoid of anything that has to do with God, or conditions in this world are going to be so frightful that people will give up. They just won't have enough energy to muster up any kind of meaningful faith.

Even today the world around us can weigh us down can't it? I watch as my mother, Memaw, battles daily with pain in her 90 something year old body. I see her struggle to speak because of the effects of her strokes. I feel her frustration as she questions why God is keeping her here, knowing that truth be told, she is ready to see her Savior and Lord. I have no answers to those questions. I don't know why.

We all have people and circumstances that we hope against hope will change, don't we? Not for our sakes mind you, but, for theirs. It hurts to live with their struggles while being powerless to do anything about it. 'All you can do is pray' we are told. While many, many times that is true, it becomes numbing to our ears AND our spirits from time to time doesn't it?

Television is chock full of evangelists and preachers touting all manner of success stories. A program for success, usually consisting of a seed faith offering on our part. If we will do this, then a wonderful blessing will come our way. A financial miracle or a healing miracle and so forth. But, as our eyes take in the REALITY of this world and it's ways, the program for "success" just doesn't pan out does it?

Look around the world and in our own country at the horror and insanity that inundates us every minute of every day. Is there a victory anywhere to be applauded? Will these crushing circumstances that I find myself in ever, ever, EVER be lightened? With all the press pushing in we consider that verse above; and we point Jesus' words inward toward our own hearts. It's then that the question begs..." Do I still have faith?" " Do I still believe in the goodness of God ?" Oh yes I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and His saving grace for sure, but that's not the question is it? No, it's this, Do I still believe and have faith that God will answer my prayers? Do I have faith enough to keep on seeking God for myself and others. It seems a hopeless cause. DO I STILL HAVE FAITH? Then just at the crucial juncture something happens doesn't it?

You know how it works. From out of nowhere a phone call from that kid you have been agonizing about. "Oh yeah Mom I'm fine, you shouldn't worry so much." In between the urges to kill, you thank God Almighty for His unseen protection. Or someone comes up and thanks you for praying for them, exclaiming how God just came on the scene for them and did a miracle.In your insides the Holy Spirit lets you know that you had a small part in that drama.  Or the feeling that you get when you help someone who can't help themselves. A child gives you a hug. You walk outside to a glorious sun filled day. Money comes in from some long lost relative or some other unknown source. Better yet you sit down to one of those meals that is so good that as we say down here in Dixie," it will make you slap your momma." And all of a sudden you wake up, look around and God's goodness is EVERYWHERE! It's at that point that the Holy Spirit reminds you that He has your back.

      Luke 12:32 (NASB) 32  "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.

You open your Bible and God shows you that He's got it all under control. It's at this point that you sheepishly bow your head and repent of your unbelief. With all that God has and IS doing for you and could you not believe? Amen? Brothers and sisters, God REALLY IS GOOD and GOD REALLY DOES HAVE OUR BACKS! We just need His gentle reminding from time to time.

Psalm 27:13 (NASB) 13  I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living.

Psalm 37:25 (NASB) 25  I have been young and now I am old, Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken Or his descendants begging bread.

Psalm 34:8 (NASB) 8  O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!

God Bless

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